Monday, June 27, 2011

ABC of Sales Leadership

Alertness -Vigilance, promptness and attention to detail
ABC Sales
Boldness - Willingness to act with audacity
Courage - Moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger or difficulty
Decisiveness - The ability to make prompt decisions
Dependability - Doing what you promised and planned to do
Endurance -The capacity to continue and complete a task
Enthusiasm -Positive emotion injected into the task at hand
Failure - A bad outcome that is not to be repeated, but is a lesson to learn from
Generosity - The art of letting your heart speak at the right moment
Humility - Freedom from arrogance and boastful pride
Humor - The capacity to look beyond the seriousness of life
Initiative - Acting decisively in the absence of a definite plan
Integrity - Absolute fidelity to the truth
Judgment - The ability to weigh ambiguous information and make a wise decision
Justice - Equitable and impartial bestowing of favors and issuing of reprimands
Knowledge - The capacity to organize information into a basis for sensible action
Loyalty - Being faithful to the promises you make
Motivation - Inducing action within yourself and others
Negotiation - Reaching for a satisfactory agreement that lasts
Opportunity - Recognizing a favourable situation and taking action
Persuasiveness - The capacity to communicate your fervent beliefs
Renewal - Regeneration, rejuvenation and re-energizing of yourself, your ideas and your action plans
Sympathy - The capacity to share your feelings with those who encounter difficulty
Tact - The ability to deal with people in a respectful and appropriate manner
Unselfishness - Avoidance of providing for your own comfort at the expense of others
Virtue - The embodiment of good qualities that allows you to influence people on the basis of your character
Wisdom - Soundness of thoughts, actions and decisions
Zeal - Eagerness in pursuing your plans, your goals and your vision

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